According to the Rose report, specific learning disability in reading (dyslexia) is a learning disability that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. There are about 4 - 8% of population who have dyslexia, i.e. at least 1-2 students in every classroom on average. However, many individuals with dyslexia seem to be un-diagnosed in Australia. If individuals’ learning difficulties are not identified and supported appropriately, it is likely that they would have more psychological and/or behavioural problems later in life.
Dyslexia checklist for primary school students
Dyslexia checklist for primary school students is a professionally reviewed checklist designed to assist teachers/parents/professionals in identifying individuals with a tendency to dyslexia for further assessment and support. We encourage sharing of the checklist, but no materials may be reprinted or republished for the purpose of resale.
The International Dyslexia Association
The International Dyslexia Association is a highly regarded organisation providing reliable information in dyslexia. The website also contains a range of IDA Fact Sheets that are highly practical and easy to read.
SPELD Victoria is a local not for profit organisation and registered charity to provide educational assessments and specialist teaching for individuals with dyslexia. They have a free and confidential infoline: 1800 051 533.